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Join the California Cannabis Industry Association

Our Mission

CCIA's mission is to promote the growth and health of the cannabis industry in California. We are the leading voice for a responsible and robust cannabis industry and work toward listening to all parts of the industry to promote a favorable social, economic, and legal environment for our industry in the state of California.

The California Cannabis Industry Association was founded on the principle of strength in numbers. The thousands of California businesses involved in our state-legal cannabis industry represent a significant economic force. As the industry's most influential state trade association, CCIA works everyday to ensure our burgeoning business sector is represented in a professional and coordinated way at the state level.

Foundations of Membership

CCIA employs the most effective lobbyist in the California cannabis industry. The foundations of CCIA’s successes in influencing Department of Cannabis Control (regulation) and the California Legislature (legislation) are rooted in our focused, proactive, and strategic communication. CCIA members participate in influencing cannabis regulation and legislation in California throughout the year by participating in membership meetings, committee meetings, special topic workgroups, and getting involved within the CCIA community.

In the Fall of each year, the CCIA Board of Directors holds a two-day retreat where it incorporates the work and priorities of its members into its following-year legislative work program. The Legislative Work Program is published in a document in the first quarter of each year. Throughout the year, CCIA leadership in regulatory and legislative activities are a core membership benefit.

Membership Levels

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