The Social Equity Membership Tier provides a special membership price for the Associate Membership with the leadership opportunities of a Business Membership. To qualify for a Social Equity Membership, a California state license is required (or an application for a state license has been submitted) and verification of equity status with local permitting jurisdiction. The program will equally focus on promoting local groups working on Social Equity issues in various communities by encouraging Social Equity applicants and licenses to engage directly with those groups.
* To qualify for a membership the applicant or licensee must be working with one of the local Social Equity groups that CCIA has a partnership with. If your group is interested in a partnership please contact
“SEOWA is excited to partner with CCIA to help Social Equity licensees and applicants gain access to and participate in the crucial state-level lobbying that is the backbone of CCIA. As a Social Equity licensee myself, it's vital that our voices are at the table when policy reform is being crafted,” - SEOWA Co-Founder and President, Kika Keith.

CCIA Social Equity Membership Tier Benefits
- State & Federal Political Representation
- Monthly Membership Calls
- CCIA Member-Exclusive Newsletters
- Company Listing in CCIA Member Directory
- CCIA Exclusive Discounts and Offers
- Highlighted Membership Directory Listing
- CCIA Member Badge and Certificate
- Complimentary Access to Member Events
- Access to InfoHub and Exclusive CCIA Resources
- Annual CCIA Membership Packet
- Eligible to sit on one CCIA Committee
Questions about membership?
Please contact